Thursday, September 07, 2006

Refleksologi at Work

Being typically Malaysian, I could not refuse a half price alternative therapy treatment when I found out about it at work! Its true... GBP30 treatments become GBP15!! Special offer for Employees (I think they just want to seem like they are promoting work life balance really, but this is the closest thing to a spa I can get - unlike those lucky women who work just a stone's throw away from London's Sanctuary Spa in Covent Garden). And one gets to escape one's desk and computer, to a special room called the "Oasis"!! (Not fibbing)

Hence, at work, I booked myself into Reflexology, the art of massaging internal organs through specific points on the Feet. I almost did not get my appointment when the therapist messed up her schedule but thankful I did in the end! It was very gentle (unlike the old uncles in Malaysia who knead and knead your foot till it almost falls off), with almost feather like motions. Halfway through the treatment, I was beginning to wonder if the therapist was any good! She kept asking me whether my eyes hurt, lowerback? colon trouble? headache? shoulder and neck stiff? There were just so many things wrong with me that I could not help but be a little sceptical!

Then... finally... after dinner, I looked down at my feet:

They have turned slightly red from the improved circulation! When I showed the reflexologist my feet this morning, they were pale white (the colour between my toes as you can see in the photo).

Maybe there are quite a few ailments looming about in my body...

I am going back next week for another hour of foot massaging.

Mrs Kong and her feet

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