Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Chinese New Year for JW

papa putting on a bib for the waterworks

receiving the red packet from popo and gunggung
receiving yet another big one from ah ma and ah gung

The Chinese New Year celebration lasts 15 days and in this two week period, we have seen so many changes in our little one.

On the first day JW was brought on a marathon CNY visiting trip to see the elder relatives. By 12 noon, JW was struggling, and he slept within seconds of our settling him for a nap. JW loved the attention but even superstars need their naps.

By the second day of new year, JW mastered the art of receiving the red packet. He shows great interest when someone hands him these angpows now, but only because they are red and its something new to put into his mouth.

All in all we are not sure what JW thinks of Chinese New Year. Nevertheless we are looking forward to many more Chinese New Years to come with JW!