Sunday, October 19, 2008

When JW met Josie

with Josie on the sofa at exercise class

Every Saturday morning, JW attends an exercise class with Mrs Kong, partly for Mrs Kong to workout while meeting other mummies, and partly for JW to meet other babies. And Baby Josefina and JW meet every week.

JW ignoring Josie

Unfortunately, JW is at the stage where he happily ignores other babies, even a cutey like Josie. No matter how hard the parents tried, they were blissfully ignorant of each others existance.

Josie seems to be trying hard to get his attention with a little thigh gnawing.

Gravity soon took its toll and before we knew it, they were both slanting crazily. It amused both sets of parents though and brought a good laugh to all.

To be fair, they both ignored each other but managed to link arms in the end

We can't wait till JW starts to interact & play with the other babies.

But we'll really have to teach JW the proper way to treat a lady when he gets older.

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Feeling poorly

Poor JW has been feeling poorly since getting his immunisation shot yesterday (DPT, Hib & Polio + Rotavirus). Very fussy, wants feeding constantly and running slight fever. He's only just calmed down this evening.

Consequently Mr & Mrs Kong are feeling a little shattered.

Also, Mr Kong had put a wet hanky on JW's head to cool him but after reading our bible (What To Expect The First Year), found out we're not supposed to do that - interferes with the body's ability to dissipate heat apparently. Whoops!

Hopefully he'll be alright by tomorrow.

Still made for a funny photo though.

We thought he looked like George Washington with his wig on.
Mrs Kong thinks it looks like her as a baby.
Our little angel.

Any resemblance?