Wednesday, September 30, 2009

JW's first words


The boy has been saying words for a few months now but it has always been in a non-specific, generic sort of way (e.g. "Pa-pa!" made Mr Kong ecstatic until JW pointed at the toilet bowl and said "Pa-pa!").

Lately, Mr & Mrs Kong have noticed that he actually knows what certain words (or sounds) mean and can repeat certain words said to him.

So here in no particular order is a list of words, and their translations, as uttered by JW Kong, age 14 months:

1. Ah-Pa; Ba-ba; Babababababababa = Papa
2. Ma-ma; Mam-mam = Mummy
3. Phuh phuh = lamp
4. Bauuu = ball
5. AnNNN = ant (followed by squishing of said ant)
6. Ne-mon = lemon
7. Be-baaa = zebra
8. Gigi, gigi = brush teeth (from the sound of brushing teeth, not the Malay word for teeth though)
9. Row-row = robot
10. Broom brrroommm = car, truck, boat, stroller etc
11. Wou wou = dog
12. Abel = apple

And last but not least

13. UUHHHHH (accompanied by pointing) = I want that! / I want to go there!

Will keep everyone posted on future utterances...