Monday, February 01, 2010

Quick update - 4 and almost 5 syllables...

Mr & Mrs Kong have really been crazy busy these past few weeks so just a quick update on JW's progress:

He is saying words of up to 4 syllables now and almost 5! Won't be long before we're stringing sentences together. He is copying everything that everyone says and babbles non-stop sometimes. Definitely the most talkative one in the house!

Selection of what JW is now saying:
- Tissue paper (1st 4 syllable word! At least the first that Mr Kong heard)
- Strawberry
- Broccoli
- Elmo's song (while pointing at the computer - his current favorite on Youtube)
- Hot-hot (followed by blowing sound - 'phssshh')
- Bubbles! (during bath time)
- Camel
- Walk-walk or Car-car or Kai-kai (when going out)
- School bus
- Abacus

Still favourite words:
- Water bottle
- Buddha (or Buddha-buddha-buddha-buddha...)
- Milk
- Book
- Lorry or truck

His vocabulary is growing by the day. Mr & Mrs Kong are very happy and amused sometimes but also a little afraid of what words might come out of the little fella...


LittleLamb said...

Get him to say Gong Xi Fatt Chai & Happy New Year.

Mr + Mrs Kong said...

We are working on Gong Xi Gong Xi. 2 more days to go, let's see if we're successful...

Wish you Happy New Year of the Tiger LittleLamb!