Wednesday, September 30, 2009

JW's first words


The boy has been saying words for a few months now but it has always been in a non-specific, generic sort of way (e.g. "Pa-pa!" made Mr Kong ecstatic until JW pointed at the toilet bowl and said "Pa-pa!").

Lately, Mr & Mrs Kong have noticed that he actually knows what certain words (or sounds) mean and can repeat certain words said to him.

So here in no particular order is a list of words, and their translations, as uttered by JW Kong, age 14 months:

1. Ah-Pa; Ba-ba; Babababababababa = Papa
2. Ma-ma; Mam-mam = Mummy
3. Phuh phuh = lamp
4. Bauuu = ball
5. AnNNN = ant (followed by squishing of said ant)
6. Ne-mon = lemon
7. Be-baaa = zebra
8. Gigi, gigi = brush teeth (from the sound of brushing teeth, not the Malay word for teeth though)
9. Row-row = robot
10. Broom brrroommm = car, truck, boat, stroller etc
11. Wou wou = dog
12. Abel = apple

And last but not least

13. UUHHHHH (accompanied by pointing) = I want that! / I want to go there!

Will keep everyone posted on future utterances...


LittleLamb said...

nice nice...
more words on the way!

HN said...

Haha, my son used to call almost everything 'papa' too, and my husband was quite proud about that :D
Clever boy, know 'Ne-mon' somemore, haha!