Saturday, July 21, 2007

Tiles: More Decisions to be Made (Part 5)

Today, Mr Kong, Mrs Kong and Mr Contractor made it to MML (Malayan Mosaic - to make a final decision on our tiles. Sadly Mr and Mrs Kong were in a rush, and forgot to bring a camera so we have no photos to post here.

The process of choosing tiles is a little painful and yet exciting at the same time. There are many considerations to be made, including surface texture and finish. In total, it has taken Mr Kong 4 trips and Mrs Kong 3 trips to narrow down which tiles we want. We can confidently say that we have made the decision we want to make. As to the final results, well, we will just have to wait and see.

Expected delivery of our tiles is in 1 week, with one batch of tiles (for the master bathroom) to be made 3 weeks later. Fingers crossed everything will go as planned, as Mr Contractor has already forewarned us of his forced idleness, pending arrival of the tiles. He seems to blame us for this, but really, Mrs Kong had informed him of our choice about a month ago - so plenty of time for him to get his act together.

Just another one of the joys of working with contractors!


Anonymous said...

the house will look great when the tiles are in! really different and new :) don't panic if after putting in a nice new tiled wall, the workers accidentally break holes in them and have to take it apart to do again... we experienced that.. we panicked.. but everything can be fixed in the end!

Mr + Mrs Kong said...

gosh, we will brace ourselves and try not to panic! when the contractor was ordering the tiles, and was telling the sales lady the square footage for each section of the house, she kept repeating "ngam ngam or wastage included?". I suppose thats to take into account the tiles to be broken! haha!! :)