Thursday, November 16, 2006

Mrs Kong's shortbread for the day

The Characters, lead role: Butter

Mary Berry describes this recipe as "The Very Best Shortbread". So quite as expected, Mrs Kong was very excited about trying this recipe out. In addition, the recipe itself did not look all that difficult. As Mary Berry herself describes in this section (on biscuits and shortbread) ... "none of the sinking fears attached to cake making are relevant to biscuits". Right what can go wrong then?

Mrs Kong first mixed the flour and semolina together in a bowl. Then the recipe required the butter and sugar to be added into the mixture, and mixed together in a food processor. Being the poor migrants we are, we don't own a food processor.

Mrs Kong then moved on to the other alternative which was to rub the butter in with ones fingertips. Mind you, it is not easy doing this, especially when one has to remain seated to avoid agravating a swollen ankle.

And so, after a few rubs, Mrs Kong realised that the butter should not be 'over - rubbed'. Yes, there is such a thing, except that (i) Mrs Kong realised too late; and (ii) it was not Mrs Kong who realised, but more so the voice in Mrs Kong's head - Of Mrs ONG, Mrs Kong's Sains Rumahtangga Teacher!! (Sains Rumahtangga = home economics)

This is how my teddy bear shortbread were suppose to turn out.

The got a little bit fatter in the oven.

So much so they look like cramped snowmen in a budget japanese hotel.

It looks more like a snowman huh?

Well, Mr Kong has had some and thinks they are ok.

There are subtle things in this recipe that Mary Berry fails to mention; there is a reason why most people still buy shortbread from the shops (rather than make it themselves). I suppose the only difference is if you bought your shortbread, you wouldn't have a flat smelling like warm butter, and butter(ry) fingerS!

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