Saturday, October 28, 2006

2nd Anniversary Celebration - Northampton

Mrs Kong before dinner date

Last week was Mr & Mrs Kong's 2nd wedding anniversary and we had a double celebration. Once on the actual day (17th October - get those cards & presents now!) in Northampton and again with KTKK in London.

We had a simple Italian dinner at a place called Papa Chino's in Northampton town centre. The decor was very cheap & cheerful but it served good hearty food that definitely filled us up. A nice place for some no frills Italian.

Somethings that made us both laugh was the way in which the kitchen let the waitresses know that an order had to be picked up. A bright orange light went on outside the door to the kitchen & because the dining area wasn't very large, it lit up the whole place. So you could always tell when someone's food was ready!

Midget & Giant playing at the Fish pub, Northampton

Fully concentrated on the music

After that, while walking home some folksy music drew Mr & Mrs Kong into a pub where a duo called Midget & Giant were playing. It really was one taaallll woman & a shooooort guy on guitars. They were good so stayed for a while.

All in all, a good evening - Happy Anniversay Mr & Mrs Kong!

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