Monday, October 30, 2006

The Difference Between England and Malaysia pt2 - Exclamations!

Mr Kong met up with KTKK, the newlyweds Mr & Mrs Hove aka Simon & Wayar and their friend from Hong Kong - Chi Sing in London yesterday.

It was great to see all of them and fantastic that we could all meet up in London. Had a great time with a good lunch, mini pub crawl & dinner, but that's for another post.

In one of the pubs, Mr Kong & Wayar started talking about Malaysian style exclamations (i.e. expressions of shock, surprise, dismay, disgust etc) & how only Malaysians or someone who has spent time with Malaysians would understand them.

We laughed ourselves silly thinking of them & explaining them to Mr Ho(ve) and even KTKK hadn't heard of some of them.

This morning Mr Kong thought about the diffences in Malaysian exclamations vs British exclamations as they are quite different. Here are some that he'd thought of:


Oh! (generic surprise & alarm - can be expanded to Oh I Say!)
Gosh! (ditto)
Blimey! (ditto)
Crikey! (ditto)
What what! (ditto)
Damn! (anger or slap head d'oh situations)
Brilliant! (pleasent surprise)
Lovely! (ditto)
Super! (ditto)
Purrfecck! (ditto)
Blooody 'ell! (surprise mixed with mild alarm or disgust)

Everybody in England uses these & speaks exactly like this "Cor blimey guvnor, that was bloody purrrfecck, what what, Oh I say!"


Aiyo! Fuiyo! or Haiyo! (or the Hindi movie inspired full length version - aiyoyo A Ma! - all signify surprise with shock, evoking your mother is optional)
Aiyer! (subtly different to aiyo etc in that it denotes a bit of disgust)
Alamak! (slap head d'oh situations)
Cheh! (condescending remark, not worthy of attention)
Fulemak! (like alamak but with added 'fu' - greater surprise, admiration, shock etc)
Fualauweh! (ditto)
So terror! (used for admiration, or in sarcasm)

Some can be used in combination e.g. "Fulemak! So terror one you!"

Any that were left out? Suggestions welcome!

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