Well, Mr & Mrs Kong went to see the adaptation of 'The Devil Wears Prada' 2 Fridays ago. According to Mrs Kong its not true to the book at all. Mr Kong will have to trust her on that as he's not read it.
Anyway, on to the movie:
Anne Hathaway plays a supposedly geeky, unfashionable graduate desperate for a step on the ladder to a journalism career. Miraculously, she gets a job at a fashion mag run by 'Cruella de Ville'/Meryl Streep, a dragon lady editor.
Cue 'fish out of water' scenes and "I can't believe how vain they all are..." remarks to hip, cool, down to earth friends.
Then for some reason, the Anne Hathaway character decides to sell out & goes through the obligatory Cinderella/My Fair Lady/Pretty Woman makeover done in double time & poof she's a wearing a new designer outfit everyday. You could see the envious gleam in the eyes of all the female audience. And they were all thinking the same thing "Where did she get the money to buy all those outfits?"
From there it shows her (supposedly) struggling with whether to take the 'evil' fashionista route & sell out or be true to herself. No guesses what she chooses.
All in all, its an ok Friday night light comedy entertainment. There are a few laughs but nothing that really stands out, except for the clothes and Meryl Streep's caricature dragon-lady.
The biggest problem with the film is that it doesn't really know whether its for or against the whole fashion industry and the fact that many women are slaves to it.
On the one hand it suggests that its evil, then the next minute its showing Anne Hathaway looking gorgeous in amazing clothes. A bit muddled really.
But you'll leave the cinema thinking you've just watched some fashion porn.
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