Saturday, May 09, 2009

Meeting the Twins of Tung Chung

We had heard all about the Twins (JW's cousins) from the day they were born.

Picture of Twins A and M, before meeting, courtesy of their mama, Auntie WW
(mama, if you want a different photo to appear, please provide.. )

So on the last day of our visit to Hong Kong, we took these photos. We don't have one of JW playing with A and M but its probably for the best, for now, as JW made M cry on our second last day! Will have to wait for twins to grow up a little more, and give as good as they get! :)

So cute though, and getting cuter by the day! :)


LittleLamb said...

wow...2 botak twins..jw's cousins?

Unknown said...
that was JW's comment when i show him this blog yesterday.