Tuesday, March 03, 2009

7 months old

JW in his favourite corner of his cot

JW loves play. He loves peek - a - boo and loves anyone who will devote time and effort to play with him. At 7 months old, our little baby can sit up well, flip onto both sides - and back with little effort, protest when a toy is taken away from him and does baby push ups (in his effort to get on his knees and begin crawling). He is working on the crawling bit, often creeping backwards and whinning in frustration instead! :)

He knows his mummy and his papa now and gives his papa the biggest smile ever when papa returns home from work. A sight for sore eyes at the end of a hard day!


LittleLamb said...

papa heart melts.....

Anonymous said...

Aww... wait till when he can walk, he will run and jump to papa's arm at the door step :D that's what my Sethy is doing now :)