first biteWe started introducing solids into JW's diet when he turned 6 months old; slightly more than a month ago. The day was greeted with much anticipation, as we have suspected JW's readiness for months now and only held back because we were warned that he may not be ready due to a immature digestive system. Yes, another one of those differences in experience in caring for premie albeit only a month early.

give me more!!
At the first sitting, JW was super excited at the sight of the bowl, food and spoon. He grabbed Mrs Kong's hand and shoved the spoon into his mouth. At the end of the meal, there was another round of crying as there was no more food!! Poor JW, not enough to eat when he clearly wanted more.
We had stopped solids after a few days of introducing rice because it seemed to have given him a tummy ache at night. A month on, we have started him rice cereal for the morning and rice & carrots for lunch & tea.
Today's menu: rice and pumpkin!