Friday, January 23, 2009

Being thankful

A couple of things lately have brought to mind how thankful Mr Kong feels now that JW has entered our lives.

Firstly, Mr & Mrs Kong learnt that a friend's baby has health problems that are more serious that previously thought. Its heartbreaking to think of a baby being ill and the nightmare his parents must be going through.

Secondly, during JW's recent trip to the hospital to see the pediatrician for his innoculation, Mr Kong was in the lift when a family got in wheeling an older lady in a wheelchair. What struck him was that she was silently weeping into a towel, obviously very upset.

It just struck home that while we struggle and sometimes worry about JW, the fact is that he is a healthy happy baby and both Mr & Mrs Kong are also relatively young and healthy (touch wood).

We should remember to be thankful for that.

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