Monday, January 26, 2009

Happy Chinese New Year of the Ox!

We would like to wish our family and friends a happy new year, and may the year of the ox bring good health, wealth and happiness! More posts on JW's new year adventures to follow...

Friday, January 23, 2009

Being thankful

A couple of things lately have brought to mind how thankful Mr Kong feels now that JW has entered our lives.

Firstly, Mr & Mrs Kong learnt that a friend's baby has health problems that are more serious that previously thought. Its heartbreaking to think of a baby being ill and the nightmare his parents must be going through.

Secondly, during JW's recent trip to the hospital to see the pediatrician for his innoculation, Mr Kong was in the lift when a family got in wheeling an older lady in a wheelchair. What struck him was that she was silently weeping into a towel, obviously very upset.

It just struck home that while we struggle and sometimes worry about JW, the fact is that he is a healthy happy baby and both Mr & Mrs Kong are also relatively young and healthy (touch wood).

We should remember to be thankful for that.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Popo and Gung-Gung

JW's Popo and Gung-Gung are regular visitors to Mr & Mrs Kong's place, of course to spend time with the little bub. And he really enjoys those visits.

JW on Gung2's lap - Gung2 braving the cloth diaper

Mrs Kong has noticed that especially Gung2 acts quite uncharacteristically with JW. According to Mrs Kong, not the way she remembered him when she was growing up. Then again Mrs Kong probably did not have JW's charm and thunder thighs.

Gung2 with JW and Popo changing JW's shorts elastic band to a larger size

Popo on the other hand will probably be a little more strict with JW, but not much more either.

Gung2 playing a music box that he bought for JW from Subang Parade

JW giving a cheeky grin

Please come again soon, Gung2 and Popo!!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Ah Gung and Ah Ma

2 Sundays ago, we made a date with Ah Gung and Ah Ma to take JW plant shopping at Sungai Buloh.

We'd heard a lot about the good variety of plants on sale in the area at reasonable prices and thought it was *finally* time to sort out our garden.

Ah Gung and Mama playing with JW

So we had a good breakfast of Roti Canai before setting off on the 40 minute drive.

Ah Gung showing JW some self defense moves

Pretty uneventful drive but when we got there, JW was fascinated by all the different plants. He kept reaching out for them (well to be honest, he reaches out for every new thing these days)

Chewing on own hands is still the best!

We ended the trip with some nice new plants for the garden and the house.

Also a cute little mandarin orange tree from Ah Gung and Ah Ma. We are starting to get ready for JW's first Chinese New Year! Ready to recoup Mr & Mrs Kong's investment ;)

Monday, January 19, 2009

Baby Hercules at the supermarket

Mr & Mrs Kong's usual grocery shopping is done at Jusco Midvalley - mostly because of the convenience and largely because of the Isetan Gardens baby room.

The products are pretty good but somewhat pricey and not always available but ok nonetheless. (although Mrs Kong has a new best place - Giant Kinrara. For groceries that is, not baby rooms).

A few weeks ago, we were doing our weekly shop at Jusco and of course at checkout our ever curious bub decided to help with the shopping.

Yup, that's a large bag of sayur he's lifting up

Unfortunately, the checkout lady was a bit of a grump - not even the hint of a smile for her little helper.

Another piece of evidence for Mr & Mrs Kong's suspicion that JW is going to grow up to be one strong fella. We'd better hit the gym to keep up...

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Always eventful

Mrs Kong is wondering why every week its something:

This week its "Awwwwwwww!"
Last week it was "Blurrrrrrrgggghhhhh!"
The week before it was "Oooooooohhhh!"

Hope next week and the following weeks will just be "Mmmmmmmm..."

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Poke bum (well thigh actually)

Last Monday, JW went for his last Hepatitis B jab. That's his last for a while, unless we opt for the Pneumoccocal jab.

If not, his next will be the 12 month MMR jab (measles, mumps, rubella) which has been quite controversial in UK as there have been some concerns by parents it might cause autism. All unproven of course. We'll have to cross that bridge when we come to it.

Innoculated - got a cute plaster out of it

Anyway, JW was his usual cheery self - gave Dr A, the pediatrician a big smile and was happily playing on the examination couch when the needle went in.

As usual, there was a few seconds delay before the waterworks but he recovered his composure quite quickly.

With Papa at home after the docs and lunch at Megamall

Oh did we mention he is sitting up quite well by himself these days?

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Sunday Morning

Sunday morning smile for Mr & Mrs Kong - Mrs Kong's two favourite men

There is something really special about our Sunday mornings now, and its this little smile we get from JW. It just perfects the day.