Saturday, November 15, 2008

The many faces of JW - age 3 1/2 months

This week has been quite exciting in the world of JW and Mr & Mrs Kong. JW has been growing and developing fast these past 3 1/2 months but this week has seen some major developments.

The ickle fella has started:

1. Babbling
2. Smiling regularly
3. Trying to laugh
4. Holding is head unsupported
5. Noticed his arms, hands and toys
6. Started eating his arms, hands and toys
7. Flipped on to his tummy (once)

We can hardly keep up!

And so, to commemorate, we present:

The many faces of JW - age 3 1/2 months

JW being cute

JW eating his hands

JW not being experienced in eating his hands, and getting his finger stuck
Either that or he's trying to pull his non-existant teeth

JW acting nonchalant & cool

JW smiling

And finally, JW laughing

What will next week bring? We look forward to finding out...

1 comment:

MayChing said...

soooo cute!