Saturday, May 17, 2008

Back to Life

Mrs Kong surrounded by little ones!
And yes we are.

After a hiatus of nearly 6 months, Mr and Mrs Kong are back living life. Mr Kong's knee is better (though still not back to normal after knee surgery) and Mrs Kong is finally able to stay awake during dinner!! We finally had Mr Kong's good friends come over to visit us tonight, and share a dinner of roast chicken and potatoes (and salad) with us. Mr Kong whipped up two delicious roast chickens and lovely buttery and herby potatoes.

Yes we also have had nice news recently, and have been looking forward to the month of August when our bun in the oven is due. Well, looking forward until tonight.

Observing our friends and their mini families tonight, we have realised that in only three months, our life as a twosome will change drastically. Smelly nappies, cries, and a lifetime of child training will probably be the norm. We will cease to be a twosome and perhaps with the finality in this change, three months now seems like too short a time now.

Well, as the Chinese say, cross the bridge when you come to it and the road will straighten out then.


Anonymous said...

i'm looking forward to reading posts on being a threesome :)

Mr + Mrs Kong said...

thanks MC! I am looking forward to more 'content' for the blog!