Today is Malaysia's Independence Day - Merdeka!!! so Mr & Mrs Kong would like to wish Malaysia a happy 49th year of existance.
Being outside looking in as it were gives us a slightly different perspective on things. We've also been thinking about our future here in UK & when we would like to return has made us think more about Malaysia & its current state its in.
We see what others see, what they think & what they know about Malaysia & it isn't all good. It isn't all bad either & the things we take for granted are appreciated by others (weather, food etc).
For us, we are keenly aware of all the challenges Malaysians face, especially those of us who are minorities in a country that seems to value us less & less. That is a real source of frustration.
Add to that issues that lately don't seem to get addressed properly like crime, education, economic slowdown etc & sometimes it paints a pretty bleak picture.
But despite all that, we are (almost always) proud to be Malaysians. It is the only thing we have ever been. We were born there, we grew up there, our fondest memories are there, most of our family & friends are there. We feel that no matter where in the world we are, we belong in Malaysia. Its home.
There are massive challenges ahead for Malaysia & Malaysians. There are issues to address. But we are hopeful that things will improve, that Malaysia will change for the better. It must.
So Happy Birthday Malaysia! We wish you all the best.
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