We are well and truly into our terrible twos. Some days are better than others of course, and some terrible moments more bearable than others. For most of our days, JW has been a lovely little boy, entertaining us with his new words and little antics.
This morning we had a little dance session to Don Johnson, with JW swaying to the beat of Don Johnson. After the songs, he would clap loudly, spotting a big grin on his little round face. Right now, at nap time, we have a screaming toddler who did not finish his fried rice, made his mummy cut pear, only to have a few bites and refuse it. He then proceeded to ask for his fried rice again, only to discover that it is all gone!
So is the terrible twos anyway? Is this really a period of bad behaviour, tantrums, naughtiness? Or is it another growth period where little one just exerts his independence, but fails to communicate what he wants 80 percent of the time? At times, it seems just as confusing for the parents as it is for the child...