Friday, August 20, 2010

New kid on the block

We are pleased to announced the arrival of boy No 2, the currently nameless one on
7th August 2010, at 1447 hours,
weighing in at 3.45 kg.
Doctor was a little shocked at the size of his head and had problems getting it out.
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Sunday, July 25, 2010

We are 2!

"Where does the time go", every parent wonders. We can hardly believe it that our little fellow has just turned 2. Overnight we have seen changes in our boy, not that there were no changes before - but there is something very different about our boy since his birthday. Growing like a weed, and making his parents MOSTLY happy. :)

Whatever it is, Happy 2nd Birthday, JW!

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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Terrible Twos

We are well and truly into our terrible twos. Some days are better than others of course, and some terrible moments more bearable than others. For most of our days, JW has been a lovely little boy, entertaining us with his new words and little antics.

This morning we had a little dance session to Don Johnson, with JW swaying to the beat of Don Johnson. After the songs, he would clap loudly, spotting a big grin on his little round face. Right now, at nap time, we have a screaming toddler who did not finish his fried rice, made his mummy cut pear, only to have a few bites and refuse it. He then proceeded to ask for his fried rice again, only to discover that it is all gone!

So is the terrible twos anyway? Is this really a period of bad behaviour, tantrums, naughtiness? Or is it another growth period where little one just exerts his independence, but fails to communicate what he wants 80 percent of the time? At times, it seems just as confusing for the parents as it is for the child...

Sunday, June 20, 2010

14 months of Cloth

**warning - this blog post contains references to poo and pee. please refrain from reading if you have a sensitivity towards discussions of this nature**

Excluding the first months when we were on the traditional white nappies, we have been cloth diapering now for 14 months in total. Unlike the traditional white nappies most of us grew up in, these modern cloth diapers are quite a different creature - they are a little more complicated to clean, but manage to stay on JWs bum for a little longer compared to the white nappies.

Its been a long and interesting journey, tears and sweat, satisfaction and contentment. Many efforts in getting the laundry process right; bearing in mind rigorous washing required to clean out poo and pee wears out the material and elastics. Yes - not all of our cloth diapers survived, but we are happy to report that we have managed to keep our modern CDs and our son's bum quite clean.

There is no doubt that disposable diapering is the most hassle free way of diapering. And on the days when life just gets too too much, or if we have a few days of watery poo, then we have no choice but to disposable diaper. We simply don't have enough modern CDs to deal with days such as these.

On all other days, CDs are our preferred choice. Somehow after getting into the routine of washing, drying and putting them on JW for 14 months, it seems like the right thing to do. Seeing a whole bag of dirty disposables go out to the rubbish bin at the end of the day just seems so wrong now. Nevertheless, it is a matter of perspective and what one gets use to.

So, did we save much money in the decision to use cloth?

The jury is out on this. Given the cost of damaged CDs, washing & sterilising/ strip washing (in electricity and water) and special detergents, it is hard to say whether the savings are huge.

In the monetary sense, I would say we are no worse off, even after taking into account the high start up cost in these modern CDs. From an environmental point of view, just on the feel good factor alone, we are glad to have taken the more sustainable route. We certainly hope we can sustain cloth diapering!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Mrs Kong's Banana Tea Cake

Fresh out of the oven just an hour ago..

There is something very comforting about the smell of a cake in the oven. Especially when it is your own oven! We have not baked in ages and finally (with the support of Mr Kong and Popo in minding JW), the above turns up in our oven just an hour ago. It still smells lovely downstairs, and hopefully will taste just as good tomorrow morning for breakfast.

Its always handy to have a banana cake recipe on hand to use up all those over ripe left over bananas. This one involved honey, which Mrs Kong thought sounded a little too much initially but is a little more luxurious than plain old sugar. In line with the Kong household "Kempen Jangan Membazir" we have used up 4 very ripe almost transparent bananas, soon to expire flour and some of the orang asli honey we bought from Cameron Highlands (don't ask us when). All local ingredients - so does this count as environmentally friendly as well?

Monday, May 10, 2010

A Mother's Well Being

They say the maternal instinct kicks in as one becomes a mother. The urge to care for young infant or child is so strong that very few can deny such an instinct. It is an emotion so strong that "self sacrifice" is often mentioned to described this infinite love of a mother for her child.

Right ... self sacrifice.

Lying in the shadows of the mother's 'sacrifices for her child' is a mother's well being. Or does this even exist anymore after tending 24/7 to your child? The Mother's Book of Well Being, by Lisa Groen Brauner, stresses the importance of caring for one's self to be able to care for one's child (albeit an infant - it does apply to all mothers and not those of infants only).

This is the central theme of this book, and though this message begins to sound repetitive after awhile, it does hold a truth so commonly denied by many mothers out there: that their own happiness is just as important thing for their children as food and love.

To share an excerpt from The Mother's Book of Well Being (page 55):

"Our children are directly affected by us, and indirectly affected about how well we care for ourselves. When we are healthy, our interactions with them are healthy. When we are troubled - with relationships, work, or otherwise - we are not the only ones who endure it. Becoming a mother causes us to think beyond ourselves, but we cannot forget ourselves in the process. It is not in the best interest of our children to deny our own needs. The act of self nurturing is not selfish; it is essential to us and to the health of our families."

Hence, in our child centric'/ 'put-the-needs-of-the-ones-you-love-first' society, it is important to remember one's own needs. As a mother, remember the importance of your own needs and do not deny them - and it will indeed do wonders for your family.

Sunday, May 09, 2010

Mother's Day and Mrs Kong's mother's day present

JW at Mother's Day lunch. They ran out of spoons for kids..

A hectic day for restaurants and shops selling all Mother's Day it was. JW, Mr Kong, Mrs Kong and po po braved the crowds for a mother's day brunch at Oriental in Jaya 33. The restaurant floor was extended out towards the escalators and still there was a queue for tables after we arrived. Although we were lucky enough to get a table without much fuss, we soon encountered another problem - the shortage of dim sum - kid you not.

Nevertheless, it has been a great Mother's Day weekend, Mrs Kong would like to report; catching up on lost sleep, time for R&R and just breathing space - all for Mrs Kong that is. Mr Kong voluntereed his services as nanny, maid and driver! (pretty sure Mr Kong is now ready for Father's Day)

As for Mrs Kong's mother's day pressie for the day it has to be the little wave goodbye from JW as he hopped and skipped out of the house at 8am with his father to check out the digger at the end of our street. No fuss, just a quick turn around and wave ... "bye bye mummy". He hesitates and looks back as he hears the words "Bye bye JW, I love you", as if to say 'I will miss you' but quickly turns back to his father as the digger awaits!

Our little boy is growing up - happy, healthy and strong. Best mother's day present ever.

Happy mother's day, mummies out there!

Monday, May 03, 2010

Last week of Freedom?

Its been 4 months of joy and happiness - being "help" less. Our last helper left in December 2009 and Mrs Kong has been spending her days alone with JW. It has seemed longer than 4 months, but it has been good overall.

Over the last 4 months, we have seen a very unsteady JW (on his feet) to a little toddler who rarely sits still. He has learned a whole lot more independence and self reliance. He has also learned how to load and start the washing machine, though his effectiveness still needs working on. He seems to be developing in the direction we want him to be. He has learned that there are times when he will have to entertain himself (though he does not necessarily do so all the time). As a family, we are more spontaneous and candid. We have had so many more laughs, just the three of us.

All that aside, it is time now to consider additional domestic help. Mrs Kong cannot help but wonder how this will affect our family and JW's development. How will things change? Or do we already know. ...

Monday, April 26, 2010

The importance of being updated

And here is where we have to start off with a very very familiar apology. Apologies for not updating our blog... as an old friend has just reminded me today. It is not intentional of course, as these omissions are rarely intentional.

Rather, we would like to think that we have just been caught up in the process of raising a toddler.

So here we are now, with our chatty 21 month old, who has moved beyond parrot -ting what we have to say, to cheeky retorts, whether intentional or otherwise. He is able to remember instructions and reprimands, but does not necessary follow them.

As a matter of fact, our terrible twos just started TODAY. :)

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Speaking in sentences...

JW is speaking in sentences!

The first ones - "I want milk" and "Mummy, spin the puzzle" both to Mrs Kong.

Slightly scary how quickly his vocabulary is developing. He tries to repeat everything anyone that's within earshot says, so we have to be extra careful what we say.

Also, Mr Kong got a big "GOOD MORNING PAPA!" (1st time JW has said that) before work yesterday. What a nice gift to end the week and begin the CNY celebrations.

Looking forward to the Year of the Tiger. Roar!

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

New Toy

Waiting for the results from Mrs Kong's new toy to decorate this blog...

Monday, February 01, 2010

Quick update - 4 and almost 5 syllables...

Mr & Mrs Kong have really been crazy busy these past few weeks so just a quick update on JW's progress:

He is saying words of up to 4 syllables now and almost 5! Won't be long before we're stringing sentences together. He is copying everything that everyone says and babbles non-stop sometimes. Definitely the most talkative one in the house!

Selection of what JW is now saying:
- Tissue paper (1st 4 syllable word! At least the first that Mr Kong heard)
- Strawberry
- Broccoli
- Elmo's song (while pointing at the computer - his current favorite on Youtube)
- Hot-hot (followed by blowing sound - 'phssshh')
- Bubbles! (during bath time)
- Camel
- Walk-walk or Car-car or Kai-kai (when going out)
- School bus
- Abacus

Still favourite words:
- Water bottle
- Buddha (or Buddha-buddha-buddha-buddha...)
- Milk
- Book
- Lorry or truck

His vocabulary is growing by the day. Mr & Mrs Kong are very happy and amused sometimes but also a little afraid of what words might come out of the little fella...