One day into his second year, the tantrums have begun. The possibility is of course, JW's inability to voice out his desires in a manner we would understand, and wishes and desires JW has. There is a purpose for those baby sign classes!
We did not want to nap - so we went into a crying fit.
We could not wait for lunch - so we crawled to mummy's legs when she was in the kitchen.
We did not like lunch after 5 mouthfuls - so we cried for fruit instead.
We did not like dinner after 5 mouthfuls - so we cried for fruit instead.. again.
We cried at nappy change time, we cried when mummy walked away to go to the kitchen. We cried cried cried.
We basically cried when we did not get our way.
Mummy has concluded that JW misses the very exciting weekend we just had, when he received toys, had birthday cake and enjoyed the going out. Welcome to toddlerhood!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Monday, July 27, 2009
And that's the end of babyhood for us...

We turn one today; though JW probably does not have slightest clue of how momentous this event is.
It has been a truly amazing year, starting from the moment of Mrs Kong's headache at about 8pm on the 26th of July 2008. From then on, it has been a roller coaster ride; with laughter, tears, stresses and immense pleasure.
It isn't possible for one to remember one's own birth moment. But it also isn't possible for a parent to forget the moment he/she became a parent.
Happy Birthday JW!!
Sunday, July 12, 2009

Mrs Kong will be the first to admit that we are terrible at updating this blog. For some reason we get so caught up in daily life that we just don't have the time to write about it.
But nevertheless, it is accepted that this is not a legit excuse.
Our latest excitement is broccoli; or rather baby eating broccoli!
This was first rejected some 3 months ago when introduced but surprisingly, JW started to take it (quite enthusiastically in fact) last week. He gets so excited, the entire floret is coaxed into the mouth (by JW, not Mrs Kong) even before he has a chance to chew on it. Initial attempts were a little cautious of course (our guys MO) but now, JW even grabs the floret himself if Mrs Kong is not quick enough.
At the last meal this evening, JW was found scratching the bottom of the bowl which previously housed the broccoli. He was searching for more broccoli which he had just finished!! Poor JW. We shall be steaming a little more for him tomorrow.
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