For JW's first holiday, we decided to take a family trip (just the three of us) to the popular Malaysian tourist destination - Cameron Highlands. The journey was well planned, with the major portion of the trip (to Tapah) for JW's lunch time nap. Starting off at 12 noon, with JW in his new car seat, we made it to the hotel with a few stop overs. The views were amazing and the air just cool!

JW started the day being very excited. Perhaps, from the tone of our voices, he knew that this would be an exciting day for all. We tried our best to prepare him for colder air and temperature by getting a few pieces of warmer clothing. In the end, we ended up piling on the layers when the night came, as it was truly cold for our little Malaysian baby.
JW in his little cot provided by the hotel. Yes, having mummy's body heat close by did come in handy
Our son was king of the hill. We were bowled over by the attention he commanded. Waitresses loved him. Coffee shop managers came to make a cot for him to lay down while we ate. Yes, he isn't ready for a high chair yet, but never mind, he just gets his own cot in the restaurant! We looked around the restaurant and wondered why only JW got a little cot made for him!!
Rolled up between two table clothes, our fella fell asleep watching a couple of Japanese children at the next table. It was like a dream. Then again, we suspect that the waitresses would have offered to baby sit if he started fussing about. He definitely caught everyone's eye!
napping in the coffee house
waking up from a nice nap
JW and Mr Kong at the Boh Visitor Centre - JW dressed for winter in JapanWe made it to a few attractions, including the new Boh visitor centre. JW watched us as we had scones with lovely afternoon tea. (no solids for him yet!)
diapering above sea level
But on the way back to the hotel, we just had to leave our mark via a diaper change.
We had a good trip to Cameron Highlands, and am relieved that we survived the trip without too much fuss. Maybe we will go to NYC next..